- [New]
Rescope feature
- [New]
Virtual timeline
- [New]
Filter and reorder threads
- [New]
Thread suspensions
- [New]
Graph: heapsizes, CPU, RAM, IO
- [New]
File mappings (when files are missing during offline analysis)
- [New] Thread headers in timeline
- [New] Zebra striping for threads
- [New] Goto thread (burger icon)
- [New] Collect Advanced: Enable/Disable inlining
- [New] Collect Advanced: GC info
- [New] Collect filters : added threadname
- [New] Properties of items other than call (module, namespace, class,...)
- [New] Timeline: ticks headers
- [New] Timeline: draggable markers
- [New] Timeline: markers for GC, exceptions and sample ticks
- [New] Code view: Support for VB and IL
- [Fix] Elevation fix for .NET 2.0
- [Fix] IIS: also stop and restart dependent services
- [Fix] CPU usage while pausing
- [Fix] Freeze while dragging out window
- [Fix] Windows services with spaces in the name
- [Fix] Wrong human readable duration
- [Improvement] Memory usage improvement
- [Improvement] Timeline: scroll wheel, now scrolls vertically
- [Improvement] Try auto locate dotcore
- [Improvement] Analyze immediately after collect
- [Improvement] Perfo fixes
- [Improvement] Select .ctr AND .ctb files by default
Some antivirus products give false positives on CodeTrack.
I can probably help you out with that if you drop me a mail at
Thanks for your understanding!